Episode Three: Making Love to a Ghost

Liu Mengmei finds support from the Imperial Commissioner for Gems, Miao Shunbin. Miao finances him to take the highest imperial exam being held in the capital. On his way there, Liu slips and falls into a stream. Chen Zuiliang, Du Liniang?s tutor, passing by, rescues him and invites him to rest in Plum Shrine. In the underworld, Du Liniang awaits her fate along with others. The judge is so overwhelmed by her beauty and love that he permits Du Liniang to leave the underworld in search of her lover. In Plum Shrine, Liu Mengmei is restored to health by Chen Zuiliang, and one day stumbles on Du Liniang?s portrait, which he mistakes for the goddess of mercy. As he admires the portrait every day, he realizes that the beautiful image is not that of a goddess but of a mortal woman. He falls in love with her. The ghost of Du Liniang returns to look for her dream lover. She recognizes her portrait in Liu Mengmei?s studio, enters, and finds him, her dream lover. She introduces herself as a local girl who holds him in great esteem. She asks him to be her companion; he accepts. Before they make love, Du Liniang asks Liu Mengmei to be with her every night and allow her to steal away at dawn. The sound of the lovemaking disturbs Sister Stone and her young nun guest, who accuse each other of having an affair with the handsome Liu Mengmei. They decide to spy on him and catch whoever is in his studio. They burst into the room and disrupt an intimate moment. Du Liniang?s ghost vanishes.