CyberArt – An Eclectic Approach
by Asmita Duranjaya

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5. References and Vita


Bacigalupi, Paolo: „How Cyberpunk Saved Sci-Fi“: .

Person, Lawrence, October 8, 1999: „Notes Toward a Postcyberpunk Manifesto". Originally published in Nova Express, issue 16, 1998.

Shanken, Edward A.: „Cybernetics and Art: Cultural Convergence in the 1960s“. In: Bruce Clarke and Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Eds.: From Energy to Information. (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2002): 155-77.

Silver, David: "Looking Backwards, Looking Forward: Cyberculture Studies 1990-2000". In: Web.studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age, edited by David Gauntlett (Oxford University Press, 2000): 19-30.

Webpages (might be outdated or disappeared):

The author is holding 2 academic degrees in ethnomusicology and music-education and an artistic state exam for historical instruments and European early music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
After teaching Music and German language and literature in public schools, she has been academic lecturer at the university of Bamberg (Franconia), Gießen (close to Frankfurt) and after her pension she was teaching at the Fachhochschule Kiel (University of Applied Sciences) in the department of Social Work/Aesthetic Education.
She has written more than 50 publications, books and articles, contributions to encyclopedias and has hold several lectures during international conferences in China, UK and Germany.
Her field-research she did mainly in Indonesia, China, The Gambia and especially and repeatedly in Sri Lanka, where she could spend one year according to a postdoctoral scholarship. Her main fields of interest are music in Buddhist cultures, drums and drum-rhythms, music and theatre, women and music, eLearning, music and art, subcultures, cyber-culture, virtual worlds.
Her experiences with art started very early and her whole life she was permanently working on art-projects be it in the physical or the virtual world. Art she has always seen as a counterpoint to her professional work, where she was earning her livelihood, and it has always been a kind of balancing sanctuary for her also in harder times of life.
Since 10 years she works as a curator, gallerist and artist in the virtual world of Second Life and has won many awards, has shown her work in galleries all over the grid and has got five times a so called LEA sim, that is a free sim for 6 months as an artist in residence in a program called Linden Endowment for the Arts, dedicated by Linden Lab, the company, which is running Second Life: How precious that is, can be seen on the webpage about the fees, which have to be paid, when purchasing a sim in Second Life: . The last two years she developed a concept to create full sim landscapes with fractals, produced before in the software Incendia. These fractal landscapes are combined with gaming elements and they could be seen as a kind of utopic cyber-art, contrary to the stereotype of dystopic cyberpunk.