Sunday, February 8, 2009
Multi-Lingual Web-Based eLearning Tool ...
- sounds great and could be a new target for our study group!
Other suggestions are listed on this
webpage... Please check and add your comments!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Basic article in German
and English on the topic and term "Sound":
- German;
- English ...
(PowerPoint => IE required)
- German;
- English ...
(PowerPoint => IE required)
Labels: cultural
studies, ethnomusicology,
research, Pink
Floyd, sound,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
EthnoMusicScape neu!
members, friends and interested persons, the
eLearning web-basis of our study group
has got a new shape/scape and provides some useful webgadgets
for the daily work, like translating, library-search and music
search functions. The general presentation as a mindmap structure
has been retained, although the common sense to create pages
seems to angle off, using a horizontal and a vertical frame
and a linear structure opposite to all educational research
results of challenging the brain with non-linear structures
like mindmaps to appeal both brain parts, the left and the
right one in a balanced way. This idea is suitable to the
internet structure in general, because a complex network is
never linear... but that does not mean, that it is chaotic,
it is only not linear...there is a difference and at last:
the chaos produces creativity - isn't it?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
dear members and
guests, welcome to the Blog of the study
group MUsicREsearch and eLearning (MUREL). Welcome U.U.P.
and James! I have installed a time zone panel for your orientation
and the chat software Google-Talk; if you install that on your
home computer and additional a Google-email-account (free!),
we can meet online for a chat! Please use the Blog for entrances
and informations for the other members (also only available
for people with Googlemail-account)! I hope after a time everybody
will have found the way to this blog-site...Please use English
cause our group is international...
Labels: IMS,
and eLearning
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