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Applied Cultural Studies of different scholars offered as e-modules with or without didactic structure E-Module 2 Impressum E-Module 1 E-Module 4 E-Module 3 Applied Cultural Studies of different scholars offered as e-modules with or without didactic structure Vision & Mission Visualisation

"Music is man's ability to charge sound waves with meaning, to design and use them as carriers of meaning and to attribute to them concreteness of identity and cultural commitment. The task of music research is to observe and describe sonic carriers of meaning in their cultural context and, if necessary, to offer didactic mediation drafts on the basis of empathetic experience orientation."


Started and developed since 2001 by PD Dr. Martina Claus-Bachmann (Giessen/Bamberg)

We are not responsible for the content of linked pages! Please report abuse: musicresearchelearning@gmail.com

Thanks to Chitral Somapala for this short piece of his famous song!