This list and the links have been used for a seminar in the JLU Gießen to test the functionality
of at that time existing music applications for didactic purposes.
Every student has written a comment after tesing one or more software tools and has presented the results to the plenum.
According to the fast development of hard- and software and to the change of operating systems, many tools are already outdated,
though some of them are still working.
zum Selbstherstellen von Edutainment-Elementen:
Free Mind
DrumFlow (Drum-Editor)
PriMus (Notenschreibprogramm) |
Jigsaw Puzzle
Promo (Herstellen von Online-Puzzles)
(Audioaufnahme und -bearbeitung)
Hot Potatoes
5.5 (Multiple Quiz-Herstellung)
(Memory-Herstellung) + HTML-Editor